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Separation is the basis of achieving security. However, functionality is in joining. Therefore, it should be a controlled sharing to achieve both.

There are two areas where security is needed.

  1. Communication security: data channels
  2. System security: security at the end points

Communication security concerns

  • Interruption : A to B is blocked
  • Interception : C can see messages from A to B
  • Modification : C changes messages from A to B
  • Fabrication : C sends messages as A to B


Encode the data in a manner that makes it accessible only to authorized parties. Two important factors are here, encryption algorithm and encryption key.


  • Plaintext = unencrypted
  • Ciphertext = encrypted
  • Encryption = Ek(X)E_{k}(X)
  • Decryption = Dk(X)D_{k}(X)
  • Cryptanalysis = discover k, X or both

Types of attacks in cryptography

  1. Cipher text only
  2. Known plain text
  3. Chosen plain text
  4. Chosen cipher text
  5. Chosen text


It is hiding presence of information. Use normal-looking messages/pictures that conceal secret data.

Symmetric Cryptography

In the symmetric cryptography, encryption and decryption are performed with only one secret key.

Stream and Block ciphers

  • Stream cipher is used to encrypt digital streams of data, one bit or bytes at a time. It provides most flexibility for cryptographic applications.
  • Block cipher operates on data blocks that are typicall 128 bits or more.

Structure of Block ciphers

It needs to produce a reversible mapping tha maps n-bit blocks to other n-bit blocks. Good ciphers are based on Shannon's concepts.

  • Diffusion : disperse bit-patterns within each block of data
  • Confusion : mix-up the order of bits within a block

In principle, good ciphers can be implemented using a table of mappings in which encryption key selects which mapping to use.

Symmetric Cryptography Algorithms

  • DES (56 bits)
  • Triple DES with two keys (128 bits)
  • AES (128 bits)
  • IDEA (128 bits)
  • Blowfish (up to 448 bits)
  • RC2 (8 to 1024 bits)
  • RC5 (up to 2040 bits)
  • CAST-128 (40 to 128 bits)

Public key (asymmetric) cryptography

It uses one key for encryption and another one for decryption. It requires that it be computationally infeasible to compute one of the keys based on the other. One of the two keys is private to a principal; the other key can be freely distributed to any one.

Encryption vs Signing

  • Encryption in public key crypto: A locks a message using B public key, therefore only B can open it using it's private key.
  • Authentication in public key crypto: A locks a message using A private key, therefore B can open it using A public key

When the encoding operation is performed using someone's public key, the results are accessible only to that person. When the encoding operation is done using someones's private key, the results are accessible to every one. By combining them, we can have both encryption and signing.

A send message to B:
1. A use its private key
2. A use B public key
3. B use its private key
4. B use A public key

RSA Algorithm

  • Alphabet: {0,,n1}\{0, \ldots , n-1\}
  • Encryption: C=MemodnC = M^e \mod n
  • Decryption: M=Cdmodn=MedmodnM = C^d \mod n = M^{ed} \mod n
  • Both sender and receiver know n
  • Sender knows e, while only the receiver knows d
  • It is possible to find d, e, and n such that MedMmodnM^{ed} \equiv M \mod n
  • It is infeasible to determine d from e

RSA key generation

  • Select two large prime numbers p and q
  • Calculate n=p×qn = p \times q
  • Calculate the numbers less than n that are prime to it ϕ(n)=(p1)(q1)\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1).
  • Select an e less than ϕ(n)\phi(n) that is relatively prime to it
  • Calculate d=e1modϕ(n)d = e^{-1} \mod \phi(n)

In order to find big prime numbers, we can use Miller-Rabin test for primality.

Conventional Vs Public key crypto

Conventional crypto is fast, on the other hand, public key crypto is much slower. But, key distribution is easier with public keys. Therefore, the solution is to use conventional crypto for encrypting bulk data, and use public key crypto to set up keys for such encryption. Use certificates and certification authorities (CAs) to establish authenticity of public keys.

Use of Random numbers

When creating random numbers for cryptography, we need a strong random number generator. These random numbers are used to protect against replay attacks.

  • Pseudorandom number generators: Linear congruential method, which is not good for crypto
  • Natural Random Noise: which is the best source for having randomness.
    • radiation counters
    • radio noise
    • keystroke intervals
    • network packet arrival characteristics

In linux, /dev/random is a source of cryptographically secure random numbers. However, pest practice suggests to use /dev/urandom for better output.

Digital Signatures

It is used to required properties as:

  • receiver can verify who sends
  • sender cannot repudiate (tell that I was not the sender)
  • receiver cannot generate

It uses public-key signature. Originator simply encrypts the message using private key. When the receiver gets the message decrypted using the originator's public key, then we can be sure about who sent the message.

Message Digests

Encrypting the whole message for signature purposes is too inefficient. The solution is to use one-way hash functions on message and encrypt the hash using private key.

Common hash functions

  • MD5 (128 bits)
  • SHA-1 (160 bits)
  • SHA-3 (224 to 512 bits)
  • SHA-256
  • RIPEMD-160

Digital Certificates

Certificates are issued by a CA (certificate authorithy). As everyone knows the public keys of the CA, a certificate for a principal A is simply A's public key that is encrypted with CA's private key.

Certificates allow key exchange without real-time access to public-key authority. A certificate binds identity to public key. An example is X.509 certificates.